Rinconete y Cortadillo/Rinconete and Cortadillo

Rinconete y Cortadillo/Rinconete and Cortadillo
By:Miguel de Cervantes
Published on 2017-03-28 by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

En la venta del Molinillo, que est� puesta en los fines de los famo-sos campos de Alcudia, como vamos de Castilla a la Andaluc�a, un d�a de los calurosos del verano, se hallaron en ella acaso dos muchachos de hasta edad de catorce a quince a�os: el uno ni el otro no pasaban de diez y siete; ambos de buena gracia, pero muy descosidos, rotos y maltratados; capa, no la ten�an; los calzones eran de lienzo y las medias de carne. Bien es verdad que lo enmendaban los zapatos, porque los del uno eran alpargates, tan tra�dos como llevados, y los del otro picados y sin suelas, de manera que m�s le serv�an de cormas que de zapatos. Tra�a el uno montera verde de cazador, el otro un sombrero sin toquilla, bajo de copa y ancho de falda. A la espalda y ce�ida por los pechos, tra�a el uno una camisa de color de camuza, encerrada y recogida toda en una manga; el otro ven�a escueto y sin al-forjas, puesto que en el seno se le parec�a un gran bulto, que, a lo que despu�s pareci�, era un cuello de los que llaman valones, almidonado con grasa, y tan deshilado de roto, que todo parec�a hilachas. Ven�an en �l envueltos y guardados unos naipes de figura ovada, porque de ejercitarlos se les hab�an gastado las puntas, y porque durasen m�s se las cercenaron y los dejaron de aquel talle. Estaban los dos quemados del sol, las u�as caireladas y las manos no muy limpias; el uno ten�a una media espada, y el otro un cuchillo de cachas amarillas, que los suelen llamar vaqueros.At the Venta or hostelry of the Mulinillo, which is situate on the confines of the renowned plain of Alcudia, and on the road from Castile to Andalusia, two striplings met by chance on one of the hottest days of summer. One of them was about fourteen or fifteen years of a≥ the other could not have passed his seventeenth year. Both were well formed, and of comely features, but in very ragged and tattered plight. Cloaks they had no≠ their breeches were of linen, and their stockings were merely those bestowed on them by Nature. It is true they boasted shoes; one of them wore alpargates, or rather dragged them along at his heels; the other had what might as well have been shackles for all the good they did the wearer, being rent in the uppers, and without soles. Their respective head-dresses were a montera and a miserable sombrero, low in the crown and wide in the brim. On his shoulder, and crossing his breast like a scarf, one of them carried a shirt, the colour of chamois leather; the body of this garment was rolled up and thrust into one of its sleeves: the other, though travelling without incumbrance, bore on his chest what seemed a large pack, but which proved, on closer inspection, to be the remains of a starched ruff, now stiffened with grease instead of starch, and so worn and frayed that it looked like a bundle of hemp.

This Book was ranked at 34 by Google Books for keyword Campos de Castilla.

Book ID of Rinconete y Cortadillo/Rinconete and Cortadillo's Books is ebjBtAEACAAJ, Book which was written byMiguel de Cervanteshave ETAG "b3SryeSX2iU"

Book which was published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform since 2017-03-28 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781545002841 and ISBN 10 Code is 1545002843

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